Posts Tagged ‘toys


Spreading the comic joy

I’ve officially converted my 4 year old niece. When ever she comes over to my house she has a bucket of action figures to play with (no Barbies, thank you). All the figures are Superman, Star Wars, Fantastic Four and Spider-man (her favorite). She loves Owly, and she keeps bugging me to get her the Owly stuffed toy. She created her own Superhero on Marvels sight the other day and printed off five copies one for everyone to put on their walls. Anytime there is a comic on my desk or bed when she comes over (which is a lot) she grabs the book and starts looking at the pictures and then asks me what is being said.

The other day we were watching the Batman The Animated series and Batman was getting into some trouble with Poison Ivy and she stands up on the bed and starts yelling, “Quick Spider-man, come save Batman!” Although she doesn’t quite get that Spider-man and Batman don’t fight crime together yet, I still thought it was cute and am going to remember that forever.

Least to say I’m having an amazing time making my niece a comic fan!

I also gave my mom the first trade of Scalped last year before she moved, I’m going to have to find out how she liked it.